[LAB1-T43] Emergency Monitor Broadcast


Originally posted on January 26th, 2014
Decoded by Lisosaurus (blog post) and Dynaboom (image)
Original TTR blog post
Old TTR Wiki page (Wayback Machine backup)
TTR Wiki's ARG blueprint archive (includes decrypted versions)



:docsrch:(info) starting building scan
:docsrch:(info) 'me' not found. starting lab monitor
:reqparser:(info) init req parsing
:cryptlkr:(info) initializing encryption modules
:cryptlkr:(info) got as key: REVERSE 26
:docsrch:(info) now monitoring lab until return

:docsrch:(warning) main entrance opened :: UNAUTHORIZED ENTRY
:docsrch:(warning) activity detected - TIME: 1:37 PM
:docsrch:(info) monitoring activity

:docsrch:(info) using speech encryption key

Gszg'h hgizmtv, Kiluvhhli Kivklhgviz hzrw sv dzh rm sviv.

Uorkkb, R'n mlg hfiv dv hslfow tl rm. Sld zylfg dv'oo qfhg hglk yb glnliild? R mvvw gl tl tvg gsv mvdh ivzwb, zmbdzb.
Glnliild, Hozkkb droo yv zmlgsvi Ozuu klrmg srtsvi gszm nbhvou. R xzm'g szev gszg szkkvm, Nzc. Rg'h yvtrmmrmt gl sfig nb xznkzrtm. Mld svok nv urmw dsviv sv pvvkh srh mlgvh zylfg Ozuu rm gsrh krov lu kzkvih.
Sv lmob szh 42 Ozuu klrmgh, Uork. Gszg'h urev srtsvi gszm blf ziv. Ivzoob, rg'h mlg z yrt wvzo.

:lockmgr:(info) Urormt Xzyrmvg W :: Nzmfzoob Lkvmvw

Mlg z yrt wvzo? Gsv Kivhrwvmg lu gsv Gllm Xlfmxro rh hfkklhvw gl yv gsv hroorvhg gllm zilfmw, zmw hlnvsld hlnvdzb sv rh hroorvi gszm R. Hfiovv pmldh sld Ozuu dliph, zmw sv rh z tllw uirvmw lu nrmv. R'n hfiv sv dlm'g nrmw nv ovzimrmt lm sld gl rmxivzhv nb Ozuu. Mld, kovzhv svok nv urmw gsvhv mlgvh.

:lockmgr:(info) Urormt Xzyrmvg W :: Nzmfzoob Xolhvw
:lockmgr:(info) Urormt Xzyrmvg Z :: Nzmfzoob Lkvmvw

R wlm'g pmld zylfg gsrh, Uorkkb. Gsrh kozxv trevh nv gsv xivvkh. Ollp zg gsrh vbv gsrmt. R hdvzi gl blf gszg rg rh hgzirmt zg nv.
Wlm'g nrmw rg, rg'h qfhg hlnv xznvizh sv szh yvvm dliprmt lm. Zovx rh fhrmt gsvn rm gsv vovxgrlm uiln dszg R'ev svziw.

:lockmgr:(warning) Urormt Xzyrmvg X (olxpvw) :: Zggvnkgvw Lkvm :lockmgr:(info) Urormt Xzyrmvg V :: Nzmfzoob Lkvmvw

Dlslsll! Yofvkirmgh! Nzc, svok nv ollp gsilfts gsvn. Lmv lu gsvn nfhg szev srh mlgvh lm Ozuu.
Dszg... Dszg ziv zoo lu gsvhv? R'ev mvevi hvvm zmbgsrmt orpv gsrh. Li gsrh, vrgsvi...
Gsv nrmw lu z hxrvmgrhg. Blf pmld zh dvoo zh R wl gszg Hfiovv rh lmv lu gsv nlhg rmgvoortvmg gllmh lu Gllmgldm. Ovzev gsvn yv - dv mvvw mlgsrmt yfg gsv Ozuu.

:lockmgr:(alert) Kirmg 2 nzmfzoob ivnlevw (Xzyrmvg V)

Rh gsrh rg?
Bvh! Zsz, Bvh! Gsrh hslfow wl zoirtsg. Gsrh hslfow wl gllmgzhgrxzoob. Rg'h tlg lmv lu gslhv hroob xrksvih lm rg, sldvevi... R xzm'g nzpv zmbgsrmt lu rg. Xzm blf?
Lu xlfihv R xzm! Ovg nv gzpv z ollp.

Fs sfs. Bvk. Bvk, R'n hvvrmt rg. Blf hvv-
Mlkv, qfhg nvhhrmt drgs blf. R xzm'g ivzw gsrh zg zoo.
Hlnvgrnvh R wlm'g pmld zylfg blf, Nzc... Ollp, sviv'h z xlkrvi. R'oo wl z jfrxp hxzm zmw urtfiv rg lfg ozgvi.
R wlm'g pmld, Uork-
Yllk. Gll ozgv mld!

Hvzixsrmt Gzitvg :: Kirmg 2 Wvgvxgvw
Hxzmmrmt Kirmg

Qfhg gifhg nv lm gsrh, Nzc. R'ev mvevi ovw blf dilmt yvuliv.

:docsrch:(alert) hxzmmrmt wvgvxgvw, 'nv' mlg kivhvmg
:docsrch:(alert) rmrg vnvitvmxb nlmrgli yilzwxzhg
xferbse: hgzigrmt gizmhuvi
:docsrch:(alert) olxprmt wlli

...Gslfts, gsviv'h z urihg uli vevibgsrmt...
Uorkkb, tvg gsv yofvkirmg lfg lu gsviv. 89%
Rg'h zonlhg wlmv, gslfts!


:docsrch:(info) vmw nlmrglirmt


:xferbse:(fatal) lost connection

:docsrch:(info) starting building scan
:docsrch:(info) 'me' not found. starting lab monitor
:reqparser:(info) init req parsing
:cryptlkr:(info) initializing encryption modules
:cryptlkr:(info) got as key: REVERSE 26
:docsrch:(info) now monitoring lab until return

:docsrch:(warning) main entrance opened :: UNAUTHORIZED ENTRY
:docsrch:(warning) activity detected - TIME: 1:37 PM
:docsrch:(info) monitoring activity

:docsrch:(info) using speech encryption key

That's strange, Professor Prepostera said he was in here.

Flippy, I'm not sure we should go in. How about we'll just stop by tomorrow? I need to go get the news ready, anyway.
Tomorrow, Slappy will be another Laff point higher than myself. I can't have that happen, Max. It's beginning to hurt my campaign. Now help me find where he keeps his notes about Laff in this pile of papers.
He only has 42 Laff points, Flip. That's five higher than you are. Really, it's not a big deal.

lockmgr:(info) Filing Cabinet D :: Manually Opened

Not a big deal? The President of the Toon Council is supposed to be the silliest toon around, and somehow someway he is sillier than I. Surlee knows how Laff works, and he is a good friend of mine. I'm sure he won't mind me learning on how to increase my Laff. Now, please help me find these notes.

:lockmgr:(info) Filing Cabinet D :: Manually Closed
:lockmgr:(info) Filing Cabinet A :: Manually Opened

I don't know about this, Flippy. This place gives me the creeps. Look at this eye thing. I swear to you that it is staring at me.
Don't mind it, it's just some cameras he has been working on. Alec is using them in the election from what I've heard.

:lockmgr:(warning) Filing Cabinet C (locked) :: Attempted Open :lockmgr:(info) Filing Cabinet E :: Manually Opened

Wohohoo! Blueprints! Max, help me look through them. One of them must have his notes on Laff.
What... What are all of these? I've never seen anything like this. Or this, either...
The mind of a scientist. You know as well as I do that Surlee is one of the most intelligent toons of Toontown. Leave them be - we need nothing but the Laff.

:lockmgr:(alert) Print 2 manually removed (Cabinet E)

Is this it?
Yes! Aha, Yes! This should do alright. This should do toontastically. It's got one of those silly ciphers on it, however... I can't make anything of it. Can you?
Of course I can! Let me take a look.

Uh huh. Yep. Yep, I'm seeing it. You see-
Nope, just messing with you. I can't read this at all.
Sometimes I don't know about you, Max... Look, here's a copier. I'll do a quick scan and figure it out later.
I don't know, Flip-
Boop. Too late now!

Searching Target :: Print 2 Detected
Scanning Print

Just trust me on this, Max. I've never led you wrong before.

:docsrch:(alert) scanning detected, 'me' not present
:docsrch:(alert) init emergency monitor broadcast
:xferbse: starting transfer 27%
:docsrch:(alert) locking door

...Though, there's a first for everything...
Flippy, get the blueprint out of there.
It's almost done, though!


:docsrch:(info) end monitoring


:xferbse:(fatal) lost connection


Decryption (Top to bottom, right to left):

  • Laff: Preposterous particles found in Toons and throughout the air, sort of literal "good sense of humor."
  • Pure Shapeonium mold: Adjusts color and shape based on Toon appearance.
  • Laff indicator: Channels and displays Laff in the funny bone of the Toon.
  • Emergency Shrinkaporter: Laffter is necessary to the life of a Toon. Lack of Laff = immediate erasing. Shrinks Toon and teleports to nearest playground upon reaching 0 usable Laff.
  • Left eye: Usable Laff
  • Right eye: Total Laff
  • Laffing mouth: Absorbs Laffter in the air of playgrounds
  • Note to self: True nature of Laff is too silly to be specifically defined -- unknown by Toons. Look into harnessing potenial.