Cog HQ Invasion Operations

Every so often, operations to invade a Cog HQ have been held. These invasions usually last for about a month, with exclusive ToonTasks and rental disguises available to those who don't have the needed disguise.

Jump to: Operation: Storm Sellbot HQ Operation: Crash Cashbot HQ

Operation: Storm Sellbot

Operation: Storm Sellbot HQ was the first Cog HQ invasion event, being held from July 31st to August 30th 2015. It was based off the Toontown Online event of the same name.

Prepare for Operation: Storm Sellbot Headquarters
Storm Sellbot HQ: Clear the Courtyard!
Storm Sellbot HQ: Send in Supplies!
Storm Sellbot HQ: Recover Your Rental Suit!
Storm Sellbot HQ: The Rangers Arrive!
Storm Sellbot HQ: Extend the Operation!


Operation: Crash Cashbot

The Cogbuck Conundrum

The Cogbuck ARG was mainly a scavenger hunt held at ReplayFX during 2018's ToonFest event, but apparently the memo was impossible to decrypt and ended up being reworked for Operation: Crash Cashbot HQ. This is referenced later in "The Cog Memo Mystery" blog post.

The Cogbuck Conundrum

Operation: Crash Cashbot HQ

Operation: Crash Cashbot HQ was the second Cog HQ invasion event, being held from May 2nd to May 31st 2017, hot off the heels of the launch of the Silly Meter. Unlike the Storm Sellbot, Crash Cashbot was introduced through a small ARG where mystery solvers in the community had to decrypt a Cog memo written in an unusual alphabet.

The Cog Memo Mystery
(12MEMO_B decryption)
What is the C.F.O Project?
Operation: Crash Cashbot Headquarters Begins TODAY!
Toon Resistance Report: Bulletin Belle
Toon Resistance Report: Cassie Peppercakes
New ToonTasks Arrive to Operation: Crash Cashbot Headquarters!
Toon Resistance Report: Loopy Loopenloop
Toon Resistance Report: Rocky
Toons of the World, Finish Strong!