Originally posted on June 26th, 2014
Decoded by D. Bonkers Kookyquack (blog post) and Emerald141 (both images), Lisosaurus, Grumly, Harley Quinn and Tropical Storm (unknown, likely both parts)
Video breaking down the blueprint decoding process by Temas
Original TTR blog post
Old TTR Wiki page (Wayback Machine backup)
TTR Wiki's ARG blueprint archive (includes decrypted versions)
Blog post decryption method: Affine cipher, with the A coefficient at 7 and the B coefficient at 12.
Encrypted |
Decrypted |
I've been informed to tell you that your next case has arrived.
Excellent. Trial name? It's the Doctor. Ohohoho, we indeed have a case on our hands. Have you began the court records? I'm typing them as we speak. Strike that from the records. Bring me my robes, and a new Cog to write them. Set the encryption to A=07 B=12. Hgzo mzh hgzo. Pghmy'i jombqzc bonboiozpi pjo vqbip amio gv m Pggz gz pbqml kqpj algio pqoi pg pjo Pggz Boiqipmzao mzh Mzpq-Agc Sgdosozpi, pjo qzvmsgwi qzdozpgb HGAPGB IWBLOO.
"Hmy 37 gv pjo Bokbqppoz Ornobqsozp. Pjwi vmb, odobypjqzc jmi tooz cgqzc isggpjly. Q'do nlgnnoh pjo qhomi gv mll gv pjo zoqcjtgbjgghi qzpg pjoqb jomhi, mzh qp'i zombly vqzqijoh agzipbwapqgz! Gzao mcmqz, jgkodob, Pjo Pggz Agwzaql kgz'p cqdo qz gz polongbpmpqgz maaoii. 'Qp'i pgg hmzcobgwi', pjoy imy. 'Ko zooh pg bocwlmpo qp, pjoy imy.' Tmj, odoz kqpj pjo qhom mjomh gv pqso qp kgwlhz'p ajmzco pjoqb sqzhi. Iwboly, qp jmi igso eqzei jobo mzh pjobo. Sgiply jmbsloii, pjgwcj. Gv agwbio... Pjmp'i kjmp pjoy pjgwcjp mtgwp pjo smajqzoi, pgg. Pjmp'i kjmp jo pjgwcjp mtgwp pjo smajqzoi. Pjoy kobo sgiply jmbsloii. Mzh lgge kjobo pjmp cgp jqs. Lgge kjobo pjmp cgp so. Odoby hmy, odoby jgwb, odoby ioagzh ko cop algiob pg pjo Oloapqgz. Qp'i 5 yombi mkmy yop Q ipqll amz'p cop qp gwp gv sy sqzh. Kqll Q odoz to mtlo pg kmpaj? Q jmdo pg, pjo ornobqsozp jmi pg cg gz. Q's zgp iwbo qv Q amz tomb pg ioo qp mcmqz. Q amz'p kmbz pjos, Q amz'p qzpobvobo. Pjo toip Q amz hg qi nbonmbo pjos. Smyto pjo Pbglloytgpi kqll joln kqpj pjmp, mzh pjoz mcmqz smyto pjoy kgz'p." Ygw amz ipgn bomhqzc zgk.
Bqcjp: Ngbpmtlo Jgloi. Pjo Pggz Agwzaql kgz'p lop pggzi polongbp mzykjobo kqpjgwp ombzqzc qp. Cggh vgb agsswzqpy iobdqao, Q iwnngio. Odoz pjoz, pjoy kgz'p lop pjos polongbp pg pjo lgaml tmbtob ijgn gb hbgn qz vgb m uwqae qao aboms agzo. Gzao mcmqz, Q jmh pg nwp sy gkz tynmiioi qz. Mcmqzip pjo bwloi? M lqpplo tqp. Qp qi sy qzdozpqgz, jgkodob. Pjo swsnempbgz amz jmzhlo qp. Nbgtmtly." Cwqlpy mi ajmbcoh. Zgk, kjobo hqh ygw cop pjmp?...
ppb://miiopi/agzvqhozpqml.xnc Q ioo. Amz Q bouwoip pg jomb pghmy'i hmpo?
ppb://miiopi/gbhoboh-fgzoi.xnc Gj, ygw jmdo pjo tmae mi koll.
M tlmae jglo pjoz nbgaoohoh pg mnnomb wzhob pjo voop gv pjo maawioh, pmeqzc jqs gwp gv iqcjp. Pjo iabomsqzc mvpobkmbhi jmi tooz ipbqeoh vbgs pjo boagbh ty gbhob gv pjo Ajqov Xwipqao. Zg smppob, ko'll to mtlo pg agzdqap pjo Hgapgb iggz ozgwcj. Iozh pjo boagbhi pg pjo sohqm. Locml Omcloi, kjg qi zorp gz pjo hgaeop?
I've been informed to tell you that your next case has arrived.
Excellent. Trial name? It's the Doctor. Ohohoho, we indeed have a case on our hands. Have you began the court records? I'm typing them as we speak. Strike that from the records. Bring me my robes, and a new Cog to write them. Set the encryption to A=07 B=12. Done and done. Today's hearing represents the first case of a Toon on trial with close ties to the Toon Resistance and Anti-Cog Movements, the infamous inventor DOCTOR SURLEE.
"Day 37 of the Rewritten Experiment. Thus far, everything has been going smoothly. I've plopped the ideas of all of the neighborhoods into their heads, and it's nearly finished construction! Once again, however, The Toon Council won't give in on teleportation access. 'It's too dangerous', they say. 'We need to regulate it, they say.' Bah, even with the idea ahead of time it wouldn't change their minds. Surely, it has some kinks here and there. Mostly harmless, though. Of course... That's what they thought about the machines, too. That's what he thought about the machines. They were mostly harmless. And look where that got him. Look where that got me. Every day, every hour, every second we get closer to the Election. It's 5 years away yet I still can't get it out of my mind. Will I even be able to watch? I have to, the experiment has to go on. I'm not sure if I can bear to see it again. I can't warn them, I can't interfere. The best I can do is prepare them. Maybe the Trolleybots will help with that, and then again maybe they won't." You can stop reading now.
Right: Portable Holes. The Toon Council won't let toons teleport anywhere without earning it. Good for community service, I suppose. Even then, they won't let them teleport to the local barber shop or drop in for a quick ice cream cone. Once again, I had to put my own bypasses in. Against the rules? A little bit. It is my invention, however. The mumpkatron can handle it. Probably." Guilty as charged. Now, where did you get that?...
I see. Can I request to hear today's date?
ttr://assets/ordered-zones.jpg Oh, you have the back as well.
A black hole then proceeded to appear under the feet of the accused, taking him out of sight. The screaming afterwards has been striked from the record by order of the Chief Justice. No matter, we'll be able to convict the Doctor soon enough. Send the records to the media. Legal Eagles, who is next on the docket?
Blueprint | |
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Blueprint decryption method:Bifid cipher - key is "portil", found by saying the right SpeedChat phrases in the each of coordinates on the right side of the back side of the blueprint (see row below) in order to trigger Surlee's Portable Hole bypasses. In the bottom right corner of that blueprint's side are the X'd out names of each location one was teleported to. By putting the names of each location on the X's and following the column of letters marked by the two arrows above and below the segment, the word "portil" will be spelt out. Decryption (Top to bottom, left to right):
![]() |
Blueprint decryption method:Bifid cipher - key is "portil". The missing coordinates were given out one numeral at a time when teleporting from each of the un-encrypted bypass coordinates. Decryption (Left to right):
Portable Hole Bypass Areas |
Location | Coordinates | SpeedChat phrase trigger | Notification before teleporting | Destination | Notification after teleporting |
Donald's Dock | -23, 5 | "Bring it on!" | Welcome, Doctor Surlee! You are on route to ARTIE CHOKE'S NECKTIES | Kooky Cineplex, Loopy Lane, Toontown Central | -1 |
Toontown Central | 93, -106 | "I like this game!" | Welcome, Doctor Surlee! You are on your way to see KOOKY CINEPLEX | The Grey, Polar Place, The Brrrgh | -4 |
The Brrrgh | -111, -41 | "Follow me." | Hi, Doctor Surlee! Sending you to DR FRET'S DENTISTRY | The Grey, Alto Avenue, Minnie's Melodyland | , |
Minnie's Melodyland | 0, -20 | "I found what you need." | Hello, Doctor Surlee! Taking you to the PRECIPITATION FOUNDATION | The Grey, Elm Street, Daisy Gardens | 6, |
Daisy Gardens | 1, 91 | "Don't wait for me." | Good afternoon, Doctor Surlee! Setting destination to the LULLABY LIBRARY | Lullaby Library, Donald's Dreamland | 4 |
Donald's Dreamland | 48, -996 | ":)" | Good evening, Doctor Surlee! You are on route to CHIP 'N DALE'S MINIGOLF | Chip 'n Dale's Minigolf | 0 |
These next bypass areas have their coordinates written in the bottom left corner of the blueprint's back side | |||||
Acorn Acres | -46, -140 | "Go for the weakest Cog first." | Greetings, Doctor Surlee. You will soon arrive in SELLBOT HQ. | Sellbot Headquarters | Do you think they're going too far? |
Sellbot Headquarters | 39, -37 | "You should choose a different Cog." | Greetings, Doctor Surlee. You are now going to CASHBOT HQ. | Cashbot Headquarters | Well, there's certainly no stopping them now. |
Cashbot Headquarters | -78, -134 | "Save your powerful gags." | Greetings, Doctor Surlee. Taking you to ERROR: UNKNOWN LOCATION | Lawbot Headquarters |
They are indeed quite clever.
Perhaps, however I don't believe they realize what they have unfolded. I don't think you have either. |