Originally posted on February 26th, 2014
Decoded by Kitt Kitt Lou (blog post)
Original TTR blog post
Old TTR Wiki page (Wayback Machine backup)
TTR Wiki's ARG blueprint archive (includes decrypted versions)
Blog post decryption method: Dvorak encoding
Encrypted |
Decrypted |
:logmgr:(info) scroll time 9:31 PM TTT
:reqparser:(info) init req parsing :cryptlkr:(info) initializing encryption modules :cryptlkr:(info) got as key: SIMPLIFY BOARD :xferbse:(info) starting log transfer :xferbse:(info) using speech encryption key :lockmgr:(info) Ojabbcbi Lp.o.by >bypf Yrrb
Dmpmv Adaw f.o![ .ppw brv Brv vvvMafx.Z Ydcbt Ogpn..w ydcbtv :lockmgr:(warning) Ldfocjan Cby.pu.p.bj. E.y.jy.e SS Tbrjt[Tbrjt Ogpn..Z Frg cb yd.p.Z
:lockmgr:(warning) Ldfocjan Cby.pu.p.bj. E.y.jy.e SS Xabi[Xabi Erb-y y.nn m. frg-p. ldao.e xf rb. ru ydro. ocnnf ot.yjd.o aiacbv Ogpn..! :lockmgr:(alert) O.becbi P.'g.oy P.mcbe.p yr Ofoy.m Y.pmcban Brw br br brv Ydco cob-y pcidyv Yday olprjt.y ,ao ycny.e 8 e.ip..o yr yd. n.uyw bry yd. pcidyv Rp ,ao cy yd. glZ Brw e.ucbcy.nf er,bv 2 cbjd.o rgy,ape yrrv Apiidw ircbi yr dak. yr p.lnaj. ydayv :lockmgr:(alert) O.becbi Ucban P.'g.oy P.mcbe.p SS Acpdrpb E.lnrf.e :sfx2txt:(info) HOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNK
Nct. yd. b., o.jgpcyf ofoy.mZ C ucigp.e auy.p frgp ncyyn. xp.at[cb C b..e.e yr x..u gl o.jgpcyfv
Urp oyapy.pow frg maqcmc;.e Onallf-o yrf cbyr a jrnrooan xannrrb ru yrrbcb.oo gocbi rb. ru frgp e.ocibov
:lockmgr:(info) Ucncbi Jaxcb.y E SS Mabgannf Rl.b.e
C ,ao ocmlnf d.nlcbi a yrrb cb b..ev
:lockmgr:(info) Ucncbi Jaxcb.y J SS Mabgannf Gbnrjt.e
Yd. ecuu.p.bj. co upc.beodcl! Dr, ,rgne frg nct. cy cu C ,.by abe orne frgp ce.ao yr orm. ryd.p ojc.bj. jrmlabfZ
:lockmgr:(info) Ucncbi Jaxcb.y J SS Mabgannf Jnro.e
:scanlog:(alert) O.apjdcbi Yapi.y SS Lpcby 4 E.y.jy.e
Yd.p. ap. anp.aef ryd.p kapcaxn.o x.cbi y.oy.ev
:sfx2txt:(info) sigh C-m orppfv C-m jrml.ycyck. co annv C hgoy tbr, C jab mat. a ecuu.p.bj. cb Yrrbyr,bv C tbr, C jabv Cy-o hgoyw C tbr, yday Onallf jab yrrv Mafx. .k.b x.yy.pv C dak. ann ru yd.o. ,ajtf[ .ppw e.ncidyugn e.ocibo yday dak. x..b oygjt cb mf d.ae urp f.apow xgy frg an,afo i.y yd. ce.a x.urp. C jab ucbcod .qlnacbcbiv Frg lprkce. mroy ru yd. jp.ayck. i.bcgo cb yd.mw abf,afv C hgoy erb-y tbr,w Ogpn..v :scanlog:(info) P.'gcp.e Eaya Lp.o.by SS Ojabbcbi P.k.po. Oce. Uncllfw frg jab mat. a ip.ay n.ae.pv Yd.p. ap. ln.byf ru yrrbo yday o.. ydayw abe C o.. ydayv Ann C aot co yday frg ypgoy m.w ypgoy yd. yrrbow abe mroy cmlrpyabynf ypgoy frgpo.nuv Mafx. frg-nn ,cbw abe mafx. frg ,rb-yv C jabbry oafv Frg dak. a mcbe mrp. cmaicbayck. ydab mcb.w dr,.k.pw .k.b cu mcb. maf x. mrp. kckcev Go. cy yr frgp aekabyai.v Jnrxx.p yd. jrml.ycycrbv
:scanlog:(info) Ojab Jrmln.y.
:xferbse:(info) end transfer |
:logmgr:(info) scroll time 9:31 PM TTT
:reqparser:(info) init req parsing :cryptlkr:(info) initializing encryption modules :cryptlkr:(info) got as key: SIMPLIFY BOARD :xferbse:(info) starting log transfer :xferbse:(info) using speech encryption key :lockmgr:(info) Scanning Present Entry Toon
Hmrm. Aha, yes!- err, no. No. ...Maybe? Think Surlee, think. :lockmgr:(warning) Physical Interference Detected :: Knock-Knock Surlee? You in there?
:lockmgr:(warning) Physical Interference Detected :: Bang-Bang Don't tell me you're phased by one of those silly sketches again. Surlee! :lockmgr:(alert) Sending Request Reminder to System Terminal No, no no no. This isn't right. That sprocket was tilted 8 degrees to the left, not the right. Or was it the up? No, definitely down. 2 inches outward too. Arggh, going to have to replace that. :lockmgr:(alert) Sending Final Request Reminder :: Airhorn Deployed :sfx2txt:(info) HOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNK
Like the new security system? I figured after your little break-in I needed to beef up security.
For starters, you maximized Slappy's toy into a colossal balloon of tooniness using one of your designs.
:lockmgr:(info) Filing Cabinet D :: Manually Opened
I was simply helping a toon in need.
:lockmgr:(info) Filing Cabinet C :: Manually Unlocked
The difference is friendship! How would you like it if I went and sold your ideas to some other science company?
:lockmgr:(info) Filing Cabinet C :: Manually Closed
:scanlog:(alert) Searching Target :: Print 4 Detected
There are already other variables being tested.
:sfx2txt:(info) sigh I'm sorry. I'm competitive is all. I just know I can make a difference in Toontown. I know I can. It's just, I know that Slappy can too. Maybe even better. I have all of these wacky- err, delightful designs that have been stuck in my head for years, but you always get the idea before I can finish explaining. You provide most of the creative genius in them, anyway. I just don't know, Surlee. :scanlog:(info) Required Data Present :: Scanning Reverse Side Flippy, you can make a great leader. There are plenty of toons that see that, and I see that. All I ask is that you trust me, trust the toons, and most importantly trust yourself. Maybe you'll win, and maybe you won't. I cannot say. You have a mind more imaginative than mine, however, even if mine may be more vivid. Use it to your advantage. Clobber the competition.
:scanlog:(info) Scan Complete
:xferbse:(info) end transfer |
Blueprints | |
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Blueprint decryption method:The bottom left corner of the blueprint has a 7x7 grid that correlates to the Gag menu, with several cells marked with an X. To the right of the grid is an upper case Σ (sigma), the word "MAX", and the ⊕ (circled plus) symbol. In mathematics, the sigma symbol denotes the sum of all numbers in a series - combined with "MAX", this means the sum of the max damage/healing power of the marked Gags. In XOR cipher, the circled plus symbol represents the exlusive or (also known as exclusive disjunction/alternation or logical non-equivalence/inequality) operation. Altogether, this means that the sum of the max Gag power of the marked Gags must be found, converted into binary code and put through XOR cipher using the binary code on the back of the blueprint. This is not a comprehensive summary of the decryption process - the archived TTR Wiki page at the top of this page has a more comprehensive breakdown of the decryption process. Decryption (Top to bottom, right to left):
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