

Originally began on April 26th, 2015, though the Minglermail website - Mingler.org - was discovered on April 18th of the same year.
Decoded by many people, which were fortunately credited on the TTR Wiki page
Original TTR blog post with mingler.org officially revealed, thus "announcing" the ARG
Wayback Machine Archive of old TTR Wiki page

The Minglermail ARG was part of the Team LHAAFBBHQ storyline told through TTR blog posts and the key to finding the location of Bossbot HQ. Only one of the blog posts held a hint that helped with solving the puzzles hosted on mingler.org, and the rest had to be found by fans.

Prior to the ARG officially beginning, an image of a Bossbot and a Bossbot HQ music file in .ogg format would be displayed on the site each day from April 18th to the 25th. On the 26th, the website went down until the TTR blog post officially revealing mingler.org was posted, which also revealed the first credentials needed to start the ARG.

Jump to: Memos Pre-26th Bossbot Images + Music Files


(Music file links go to uploads hosted on YouTube)

Username: flunky
Password: spunky
Discovered by: N/A
Discovery method: Revealed in TTR blog post starting the ARG

From: Pencil Pusher (pencilpusher@mingler.org)
To: flunky@mingler.org
Subject: ERROR: Critical Encryption Failure
Attachment: robots.mid




From: The Chief Executive Officer (ceo@mingler.org)
To: flunky@mingler.org


With the aquisition of our new strength through Bossbot Headquarters, I have decided that our productivity should be further increased through the MINGLERMAIL system offered by the Sellbots. Their marketing is close to on par with the standards of our business, which is all I need to sign the deal.

Checking memos daily is a requirement in your contract. Do not miss anything important.

The C.E.O

From: Downsizer (downsizer@mingler.org)
To: flunky@mingler.org
Subject: Mandatory Promotion Opportunity!

I am pleased to inform you that despite your lack of training and improper qualifications, you have been selected to deliver a letter to the Senior Vice President in Sellbot HQ. This letter contains sensitive information that WILL be tracked by the Toon Resistance. Due to the dangerous nature of this assignment, you have been enrolled in an information session on how to resist these Toons, which had its final session yesterday at 11:00AM.

The letter will be given to you by one of your superiors this afternoon. Your new job title is now listed as 'Decoy' and will award you with a 0.23 cent deduction fron your paycheck.


Username: pencilpusher
Password: sh4rp
Discovered by: Xioms (Reddit), imthescatguy
Discovery method: Morse code found within robots.mid file's shamisen track

From: The Chief Executive Officer (ceo@mingler.org)
To: pencilpusher@mingler.org
Subject: Check Your Memos
Pencil Pusher,

REMINDER that is checking your memos daily is MANDATORY. I know you are disappointed that these memos are not written with pencils, but insubordination will not be tolerated.

The C.E.O.

From: Legal Eagle (legaleagle@mingler.org)
To: pencilpusher@mingler.org
Subject: Re: Supply Request Form
Once again, I must remind you that all documents must be completed in pen to be processed through this Headquarters. Likewise, I must inform you that your absurd request for 20,000 additional pencils has been DENIED by the superiors at Cog Nation.

Please stop contacting us.

Lawbot Leagal Eagle

From: Yesman (yesman@mingler.org)
To: pencilpusher@mingler.org
Subject: ERROR: Critical Encryption Failure
Attachment: again.mid




From: MINGLERMAIL Support (support@mingler.org)
To: pencilpusher@mingler.org
Subject: Suspicious Clock-in Warning
This memo has been sent to you to warn you of uncompliant Clock-in/Clock-out activity using your MINGLERMAIL Memo Management credentials. If you have not Clocked in from TOONTOWN CENTRAL, TOONTOWN recently, please update your credentials as soon as possible.

This process must be submitted to the Lawbot department using pen for security.


Username: yesman
Password: ou1
Discovered by: ynmsgames, Christofosho
Discovery method: Morse code found within again.mid's harp track

From: MINGLERMAIL Support (support@mingler.org)
To: yesman@mingler.org
Subject: Re: Credential Security
Yes, we can assure you that our top Goons have ensured that all credentials are secure. Toons are not allowed on MINGLERMAIL and will be brought to sadness if discovered. Our encryption mechanism is in top function, and you have nothing to worry about. We are certain you will pass this along positively to your advisors.


From: Yesman (yesman@mingler.org)
To: yesman@mingler.org
Subject: Yes
From: The Big Cheese (thebigcheese@mingler.org)
To: yesman@mingler.org
Subject: Certificate of Adequate Performance

This certificatory memo is being provided to you based on your adequate performance put forth one year ago when meeting with the President of Toontown in preparation for long-term discussions. On behalf of Cogs Incorporated, we give you ample praise for the mediocre accomplishment which you have completed through out Ambush Marketing plan.

This memo is not authorized to be framed or placed anywhere in the workspace, as per section 46A of your employment contract. No promotion is available for this milestone.

The Big Cheese
April 19, 2004

From: Number Cruncher (numbercruncher@mingler.org)
To: yesman@mingler.org
Subject: Mail Algorithm Replacement
Greetings, Yesman.

Though they will not admit it for the sake of public relations, MINGLERMAIL has contacted us Number Crunchers to calculate a flaw in their mail sending algorithm due to your concerns. The algorith has been fixed, and credentials are no longer accessible through the previous method of exploitation.

You will need to contact the Minglers to learn if your credentials are in danger. We just crunch the numbers - security is the expertise of the Lawbots.

From: Micromanager (micromanager@mingler.org)
To: yesman@mingler.org
Subject: Improved Audio for Workplace
Attachment: isolate.mid

I have sent you my own rendition of one of the Vibrational Broadcasts that is played at our Headquarters. I gave it my own personal touch (obviously, within the allowance of my Creativity Inhibitor). The Downsizers threatened to demote me for inefficiency; I am hoping you will provide more positive feedback.


Username: micromanager
Password: addedbeef
Discovered by: Alan, TrickyPlaysTT
Discovery method: isolate.mid had notes changed from Bossbot_Factory_v2 (see below), which were isolated and found to read "addedbeef"

From: Two Face (twoface@mingler.org)
To: micromanager@mingler.org
Subject: Re: New Marketing Tips
Greetings once again, Micromanager...

Yes, those instructions are extraordinary and I will definitely make use of them. Thank you for continuing to find a single flaw in my every action, as I would not see them otherwise.

Feel free to hesitate when pointing them out in the future. I would not want you to exert yourself harder than your microchip can handle. I am sure you are very busy.

Two Face

From: Two Face (twoface@mingler.org)
To: micromanager@mingler.org
Subject: Micromanager is at it again...
I'm telling you Name Dropper, one of these days my circuiting will go haywire.

I just received another 'tip' from that pint-sized jerk, Micromanager. Looks like The Big Cheeses still aren't getting rid of his make and model, despite my mooching. Keep me posted if you hear word on any of faults - I'm still waiting for my time to send a memo full of 'tips' right back. MINGLERMAIL is excellent.

Two Face

From: Two Face (twoface@mingler.org)
To: micromanager@mingler.org
Subject: Re: Micromanager is at it again...
Apologies, it seems that MINGLERMAIL took someone else's memo and sent it not only to the wrong Cog, but through the wrong Cog. I cannot imagine what an atrocity of an employee would write such a disrespectful email targeted towards you. I will have to have a talk with the Minglers immediately about this issue.

All the best,
Two Face

From: Downsizer (downsizer@mingler.org)
To: micromanager@mingler.org
Subject: Reprimand
Attachment: french.mxl

It has come to our attention that despite our warning, you continue to attempt to spread your wasteful audial tampering. May I remind you that you should be scrutinizing others, not having yourself be scrutinized. This is your last warning.

Additionally, we find the format of your work unsatisfactory. Attached I have provided an example of the PREFERRED audio format, employing as much logic and structure as possible.


Username: downsizer
Password: jedegraisse
Discovered by: KingOfLimbs, TheRandomDog
Discovery method: french.mxl had notes changed from Bossbot_Factory_v2, which were isolated and decrypted using the French musical cryptogram

From: Bean Counter (beancounter@mingler.org)
To: downsizer@mingler.org
Subject: Bowler Hat
Greetings, Downsizer.

It seems that our respective shipments from Cog's Wearhouse have been misplaced. I received my custom fitted Bowler Hat today only to discover that it was half of an inch off, which seems that it would much better fit your big head.

Though I do not admire your mimicry, I must request that you send a package with my Bowler Hat to exchange. I would have sent it back to the Wearhouse myself, however I am sure they cannot afford to have yet another employee downsized.

Bean Counter

From: The Mingler (the@mingler.org)
To: downsizer@mingler.org
Subject: Re: Termination Notice
Once again, Downsizer,

I know you follow a strict definition of efficiency, but I must remind you that I am in fact not in your department, nor can you actually fire me. Rest assured, my services are of good use to the Sellbots.

I must ask you to tend to your own Flunkies before I file a complaint to The Big Cheese. I'm having lunch with him this afternoon, you know.

Just remember who runs your memo management.

The Mingler

From: Head Hunter (headhunter@mingler.org)
To: downsizer@mingler.org)
Subject: Staff Improvement
Attachment: bach.mxl
Hello Downsizer,

I took notice of the "efficient" audio file you have been passing around is quite difficult to work with, bordering on the esoteric.

I've hunted a new head who has worked with the embedding and adjusted the format to work better for our needs. I am certain you will find it to be satisfactory.

Head Hunter

Username: headhunter
Password: badheadfaces
Discovered by: Barney, SirBeppo, Tan_Cat, HeathenChemistry
Discovering method: bach.mxl had notes changed from Bossbot_Factory_v3, which were isolated and decrypted using the Bach musical cryptogram

From: The Big Cheese (thebigcheese@mingler.org)
To: headhunter@mingler.org
Subject: Re: Team Transportation
I have received word from the C.E.O that the four Toons are NOT to be transported to Cog Nation, unlike your past assignment. You are instructed to keep them held inside of the Headquarters until the celebratory banquet, which will be scheduled in the upcoming week.

Although your efforts to capture these 'Resistance' members are valient, and your mooching skills superb, you have not earned a promotion full enough to receive an invitation to this banquet. You are welcome to work a shift at the Back Nine instead.

Send my regards to the Toons.

The Big Cheese

From: MINGLERMAIL Support (support@mingler.org)
To: headhunter@mingler.org
Subject: Security Notice
Due to a recent increase in suspicious activity, we are once again updating our encryption algorithm. We assure all Cogs that their information will never be allowed to fall into the hands of Toons.

As an additional precaution, we are recommending that all Cogs who carry critically important information change their passwords. This is an extra security measure and should not cause any alarm or, for the Lawbots, lawsuits.

Please delete this message once you have acknowledged it.


From: Corportate Raider (corporateraider@mingler.org)
To: headhunter@mingler.org
Subject: A Couple Things
Attachment: circumspicio.mp3
Head Hunter,

First of all, I believe Robber Baron is suspicious of my recent attempt at raiding his enterprise. It seems I will need aid in pulling off this maneuver. It would be beneficial if you could hunt down some Cogs to assist me, and I'm sure such help will not go unrewarded.

Additionally, I've heard there's been some internal debate on our audial organization methods. A frivolous venture, but one I will participate in anyways. The file I've supplied is certainly the best way for us to be transmitting these broadcasts.

Corporate Raider

P.S. If my text seems unusually formal, I have been improving my linguistic education to throw off Robber Baron.

Username: corporateraider
Password: incursio!
Discovered by: HeathenChemistry (spectrogram), FishSticks (final password)
Discovery method: circumspicio.mp3 was put into a program that can show spectrograms, and the word "RAID!" was found within. "RAID!" was then translated into Latin, revealing the password as "incursio!"

From: The Chief Executive Officer (ceo@mingler.org)
To: corporateraider@mingler.org
Subject: Invitation
Corporate Raider,

You are hereby invited to a celebratory banquet this weekend for the occasion of the four recently captured Toons who threatened to infiltrate our operations.

The banquet is Sunday, 3:00 PM SHARP at the Clubhouse. Formal attire; we will not overlook your unconventional and inapporpriate wardrobe again.

We hope you will attend, as it would be a shame to have to send you a pink slip.

The C.E.O.

From: Robber Baron (robberbaron@mingler.org)
To: corporateraider@mingler.org
Subject: Only Warning
Believe it or not, I was not built yesterday, and your attempts at raiding my operations are plainly obvious. This is something I will not tolerate. You must cease your attempts immediately.

Any further attempts on Cashbot operations will be returned with a swarm of Legal Eagles. Remember that our utmost priority is to defend our businesses from the Toons and rob them of their irresponsibility.

Robber Baron

From: the Big Cheese (thebigcheese@mingler.org)
To: corporateraider@mingler.org
Subject: Banquet
Attachment: thatwhichwecallarose.mp3
Greetings Corporate Raider,

Do not alert the C.E.O., but I cannot help but be concerned at his planning. Keeping the Toons here, rather than Cog Nation? The whole thing feels a bit overconfident.

Of course, I have no real fear that the Toons will outsmart us, as we have captured some of their best agents. Nonetheless, it feels like an unwise strategy.

The Big Cheese

P.S. Attached is the Vibrational Broadcast the C.E.O. wishes to play at the banquet. A bit brash, don't you think?

Username: thebigcheese
Password: lactobacilli
Discovered by: Pochard (map.jpg), Pelican (final password)
Discovery method: circumspicio.mp3 was put into a program that can show spectrograms, and the file name "map.jpg" was found within. A resource with that file name then had to be found on Mingler.org and overlaid onto a map of Toontown. On map.jpg were several nodes with numbers inside, which correlated to the same letter in the playground's name (eg. the number 2 in a node over The Brrrgh would equate to the letter H, the 2nd letter of The Brrrgh's name). Doing this for every number in every node revealed an anagram for the phrase "we make cheese". The answer to this riddle is lactobacilli, the plural of lactobacillus.

From: The Chief Executive Officer (ceo @ mingler.org)
To: thebigcheese@mingler.org
Subject: Invitation
The Big Cheese,

You are hereby invited to a celebratory banquet this weekend for the occasion of the four recently captured Toons who threatened to infiltrate out operations.

The banquet is Sunday, 3:00 PM SHARP at the Clubhouse. Formal attire. Yes, we will be serving cheese platters.

We hope you will attend, as it would be a shame to have to send you a pink slip.

The C.E.O.

From: Glad Hander (gladhander@mingler.org)
To: thebigcheese@mingler.org
Subject: Thank You!
To the honorable Big Cheese,

May I just express my gratitude for your department's proactivity in protecting Cog operations from the interference of Toons? Truly a noble effort that has paid off well.

Give the C.E.O. my regards as well for his great leadership over the Bossbot branch.

I hope to do more business with you Bossbots soon.

Glad Hander

From: The Chairman (chairman@mingler.org)
To: thebigcheese@mingler.org
Subject: The Duck
Yes, it's about this again. The duck continues to be uncooperative with us. He will not give us any informations on the Toons or their operations.

Further misaction will result in an executive meeting at the Executive Office Tower. You will be required to attend.

The Chairman

From: The Chief Executive Officer (ceo@mingler.org)
To: thebigcheese@mingler.org
Subject: Security
Attachment: focus.mp3
I assure you once again that the Toon agents are secure. There is nothing to be concerned about. Enjoy the banquet.

As for the audio provided, here is another version. Should I use this one next time?

The C.E.O.

Pre-26th Bossbot Images + Music Files

Note: Music file links are currently broken due to Mingler.org's domain expiring.

April 18th


April 19th


April 20th


April 21st


April 22nd


April 23rd


April 24th


April 25th
