Regarding the Rewritten timeline's years, it's a little confusing. Our real life timeline is 11 years ahead of the Rewritten timeline, so it can get kind of tricky trying to figure out which set of years to use when recording events by year like I have. For this page, I've used the Rewritten timeline's years first and made viewing our timeline's years accessible by hovering over (on desktop)/tapping on (on mobile) each year's subheader starting in the Alpha Testing section.
Other timelines/story summaries:
TTR Wiki's timeline (includes events unrelated to the ARGs)
Reddit user Jhaaaaayke's story summary
My affiliation to the above is the same as my affiliation to everyone else linked to on this site: absolutely none.
Jump to:
Original Timeline
Pre-Alpha Testing
Alpha Testing
Beta Testing
Live Release
Original Timeline (Toontown Online Era) |
2002December 4th: Around this date, Gyro Gearloose is asked to help out with the upcoming Toon Council Presidential Election. (Understanding: Page 1) 2003March 30th: At some point a little before this date, Gyro invents flying camera bots that fly around and record everything they see and a big display screen for the Toon Council Presidential Election. He's also been observing the silliness generated from Flippy and Slappy's election campaigns, and hopes to invent something to harness and track silliness at some point. (Understanding: Page 2) April 19th: The Toon Council Presidential Elections are held. Slappy is voted the winner, but just as he starts his speech, a Yesman descends from the sky and saddens him. With this, Toontown is invaded by mysterious business bots. April 20th: The Toons continue fighting off the business bots, slowly pushing them back to the streets of Toontown. (Understanding: Page 3) April 22nd: The business bots - now named Cogs by Gyro Gearloose - have been successfully pushed back to the streets of Toontown, but their invasion has yet to end. Gyro resolves to get to his laboratory to get to the bottom of how the Cogs keep coming. It can be assumed that Toontown enters a lockdown around this point. June 2nd: Toontown exits lockdown, despite the Cogs continued presence. Over the months-long lockdown, Gyro's lab has become more and more filled with Cogs, and his camera bots have been repurposed into security Goons. Gyro decides to leave Toontown, fearing that the Toons of Toontown will find out he inadvertently made the Cogs and despise him for it. He also swears to find Slappy and save him. (Understanding: Page 4) December: The Toon Resistance, then in its infancy, tear down the barriers blocking the entrance to Daisy Gardens' Oak Street and goes to respond to the crisis beyond. Doctor Fissionton is among those that follow them into the newly-discovered Sellbot Headquarters. He goes with Resistane Ranger Ridley, who led him and the rest of their group through the Factory and took down the Factory Foreman. Once outside, Ridley confesses he was actually terrified during that fight. (The Center Silo) Between 2003 and 2009Unknown date: Gyro Gearloose finds out where Slappy was being held - by the time he did, though, it was too late. Whatever was done to him, it was because the Cogs no longer saw him as a valuable asset. 2009February: The C.A.K.E Team of the newly-created Loony Labs, led by Doctor Fissionton, begin researching the various particles in the air of Toontown and ways to utilise them. To begin, a copy of Gyro Gearloose's blueprint for the Portability Design is given to the team to study. (01 - Investigating the Portability Design) April: Doctor Fissionton writes a research report detailing the four kinds of particles the C.A.K.E Team has found. He shows a particular interest in Silly Particles. (02 - Newly Discovered Particles) June 5th: Six years after leaving Toontown, Gyro returns to his lab, which has been transformed into a skyscraper that's the centre of the Cogs' business. While there, he creates the Rewritten Device and uses it to rewrite himself as Doctor Surlee. After this, he applies to Loony Labs and gets in. (Understanding: Page 5)
June: The S.I.L.L.I Team of Loony Labs is created to experiment with Silly Particles to see how they can affect Toontown. Doctor Fissionton is suspicious of the newly-hired Doctor Surlee, having seen him work after hours in his private lab at the facility. (03 - The S.I.L.L.I Team) August: Professor Purrview and Doctor Fumbdound of the C.A.K.E Team discover three new types of particles - Glue-ons, Quirks and Zaptions. Doctor Fissionton's suspicions of Doctor Surlee are further raised after he stopped by the latter's private lab and saw him hide a personal project sitting on his desk. Upon being asked what it was, Surlee claimed it was a new Silly Meter prototype, despite the fact that the prototype stage for the Silly Meter had already concluded at that point. Fissionton resolves to find the device and get to the bottom of whatever Surlee's doing. (04 - Categorizing Continues) August 30th: Doctor Fissionton sneaks into Doctor Surlee's lab after hours once Surlee signs out of the lab early. Inside, Fissionton finds multiple blueprints signed by Gyro Gearloose, including the original Portability Design blueprint and blueprints for the Silly Meter. The latter blueprint confuses Fissioton until he finds the blueprint for the Rewritten Device, which is when he realises that Surlee was Gyro. Further investigation leads Fissionton to a folder labelled "The Rewritten Experiment" containing emergency scenarios, plans for years that have already passed and building schematics for Toontown labelled "Toontown Rewritten". Fissionton then finds the blueprint for the pocket watch Surlee was working on at the back of the Rewritten Experiment folder. He then finds the prototype Surlee hid in his drawers, noting that the prototype looks quite different from the blueprint. Just then, the watch begins spinning and its instabilities rip him away from time itself and split him in two. He converses with his Rewritten self to figure out what happened to him, observe the anomalies caused by Surlee travelling back in time and planning their next moves. 01 - The Desk of Gyro Gearloose, 02 - The Rewritten Experiment, 03 - A Pocket Watch) September: A week after Fissionton disappears, Loony Labs looks all over Toontown for him, and Toon HQ even forms a search party to find him. However, he's never found. Professor Purrview writes a final research report stating that C.A.K.E Team activities will come to a close. (05 - Final Report) 2013September 19th: The Cogs successfully take over Toontown, and Doctor Surlee uses his now-stablized pocket watch to go back in time to reverse it and put the Rewritten Experiment into motion. |
Pre-Alpha Testing |
1998October 26th: The day Doctor Surlee travels back in time to, and the origin point of the 26th's time anomalies. November 28th: Up to this point, everything in the Rewritten Experiment has been going smoothly. Just like in the original timeline, the Toon Council refuses to budge on their stance on teleportation access, believing it needs to be regulated out of fear that giving out free access right off the bat would be dangerous. 2000April 26th: Loony Labs is founded by Doctor Surlee a few days before this date. On this date, Doctor Surlee writes an unpublished lab report detailing Doctor Fissionton resigning before his work even begins. Of note is that his resignation letter is signed with a cat's print, when as far as Doctor Surlee remembers, he was a dog. |
Alpha Testing |
2002 Real life year: 2013October 31st/December 24th: Flippy and Slappy start their presidential campaigns by offering to temporarily turn cat Toons black for Halloween and bear Toons white for the winter holidays respectively. November 26th: Doctor Dimm enters Doctor Surlee's lab to retrieve a sprocket Professor Prepostera sent him to find, but accidentally bumps into Surlee's computer on the way in. This causes it to scan the blueprints for the Silly Meter and upload it, as well as a partially encrypted transcription of the event, to the Toontown Rewritten blog. (null [CONFIDENTIAL] - Yes, that means you too.) 2003 Real life year: 2014January 26th: Flippy and Sir Max sneak into Doctor Surlee's lab to find Surlee's notes on Laff so Flippy can learn how to increase his Laff points. Flippy finds the Laff Meter blueprints and scans a copy for himself. This copy, as well as the encrypted transcription of the event, is uploaded to the Toontown Rewritten blog. ([LAB1-T43] Emergency Monitor Broadcast) February 15th: The Toon Council Presidential Elections are announced. (The Toon Council Presidential Elections/Doomsday) February 17th: Flippy moves his pie stand into Toontown Central for Toons to enjoy as part of his presidential campaign. February 19th: Slappy moves his jellybean stand into Toontown Central for Toons to share with each other as part of his presidential campaign a week later. February 22nd: The silliness generated from Flippy and Slappy's campaigns causes their stands to become animated in short bursts, marking the first appearance of animated objects in Toontown. The stands would become animated for longer after Flippy's fireworks show. February 23rd: Doctor Surlee overhears Slappy talking with a few Toons about his dream of becoming a balloon salesman and enlargened one of his old toy hot air balloons to the size of a real hot air balloon later in the day. Slappy decides to offer free hot air balloon rides as part of his presidential campaign. Flippy accidentally crashes his plane (which he intended to use in his own campaign) into it a day later. The hot air balloon is patched up no problem, but the plane's becomes a permanent addition. February 26th: Flippy visits Doctor Surlee in his lab to ask if he actually supports his campaign. Surlee gives Flippy reassurance that no matter who wins, he can be a great leader. During their conversation, Surlee also scans his blueprints for the portability design and sends it, as well as the encrypted transcription of the event perhaps unintentionally, to the Toontown Rewritten blog. ([LAB1-T43] Manual Transmission) March 17th: After two delays and the voting period closing, Flippy decides to use the leftover New Year's fireworks to put on a fireworks show to celebrate the approaching Toon Council Presidential Elections. March 19th: Slappy offers Toons green goop to colour their gloves green for St Patrick's Day. March 26th: Doctor Surlee calls Sir Max to see if he can get the Trolley game robots (which would be later known as Cogs in-tooniverse) sent back to him, as he accidentally left their debug setting on. Unfortunately, Sir Max had already deployed them, so Surlee sends him a copy of the Manufacturing Machine blueprints through Max's new fax machine so he can deactivate them. Surlee then questions why Max was, unbeknowst to him, recording messages quality assurance purposes. It turns out that Max's new fax machine was installed by a Telemarketer. This installation is implied to be why an encrypted transcription of the call is uploaded to the Toontown Rewritten blog. (Call Log [3-26 19:40] from LL-TERMINAL43) Doctor Surlee also receives a reminder to himself written at an earlier date on this day reminding him of a few things before the Toon Council Presidential Election. (LL-memo-607630003555.txt) April 19th: The Toon Council Presidential Elections are finally held. Slappy is voted the winner, but just as he starts his speech, a Yesman descends from the sky and saddens him. With this, Toontown is invaded by the newly-dubbed Cogs. Toons in attendance used Flippy's pies to fight off the waves of Cogs in Toontown Central's playground. These waves culminated with the Director of Ambush Marketing attacking by themself. All the Cogs were defeated, but Slappy was lost. April 20th: A blog post a day later reveals that some Cogs had invaded other areas of Toontown and that many other Toons had gone missing, including Scrooge McDuck, who hadn't attended the election in person. Toontown closes to the public to prevent further sadness until the newly elected-in-place Flippy decides how to handle the continuing Cog threat. April 26th: A few days later, an unknown person/s (who would be revealed to be Doctor Fissionton years later) deliver a Cog memo to the Toontown Rewritten blog. Said memo would have been delivered to Doctor Surlee directly, but he's since picked up on the 26th's ripples and hidden himself from it. |
Beta Testing |
2003 Real life year: 2014May 11th-16th: Toontown gears up to deal with the Cogs, creating Goofy's Gag Shop, Toon HQs and ToonTasks, the creation of the Toon Resistance, and the Toon-torial. The Cogs also started coordinating invasions and taking over Toon buildings on the streets. May 17th: Toontown reopens to the public on May 17th, the official Closed Beta release date. May 21st: Not long after, the Toon Resistance discovers Sellbot HQ. Lord Lowden Clear instructs Toons to storm Sellbot factories and gather parts to create a Cog Disguise so they can sneak into Sellbot Towers undetected. May 26th: Doctor Surlee is invited to storm Sellbot HQ along with Lord Lowden Clear and some other Resistance Toons. Unfortunately, this event occurs on a 26th, so the group is somehow discovered, and upon identifying Surlee, a wave of Version 2.0 Cogs descends. This wave expands into a full-on invasion of Toontown. (Emergency Memo from Doctor Surlee) June 2nd: Toontown Rewritten enters Semi-Open Beta. June 5th: Cashbot HQ is discovered by the Toon Resistance after being tipped off to Cog activity near Donald's Dreamland by Doctor Surlee. June 26th: Doctor Surlee is put on trial at Lawbot HQ, having been found guilty for creating Portable Hole network bypasses to evade the Toon Council's teleportation restrictions. The blueprints for the Portable Hole are presented as evidence. The court record for Surlee's trial is published to the Toontown Rewritten blog, blueprints and all. (03-CV-0012 SURLEE v. COUNCIL) June 27th: A day later, Lawbot HQ is officially discovered. July 26th: Mary, the shopkeeper of Mary's Go Around Travel Company, posts a seemingly ordinary post to the Toontown Rewritten blog, but soon reveals that she has a quirk of misspelling the word 'silliness' as 'sillyness' as to remember it as a favour for Doctor Surlee. She signs off by saying to stop by her store and say howdy. (Remember/ToonTasks Galore? Resets no more!) November 26th: The Fissiontons, whose name/s are still unknown, return to the Toontown Rewritten blog to address Doctor Surlee about the Rewritten Experiment and to provide players with pages from Surlee's old journal from the original timeline and the blueprints for the Rewritten Device. (Our Pleasure to Return) 2004 Real life year: 2015February 7th-April 26th: The Toon Resistance believes that the construction of Bossbot HQ is on the horizon. Lord Lowden Clear recruits a group of four Toons - Captain Rollie Dandysnooker, Colonel Violet Supergrooven, Prof. Von Fumblesplat and Silly Lily Gigglesnout - to find its whereabouts. They visit Cashbot and Lawbot Headquarters and find two pieces of the puzzle, but are kidnapped after finding the third at Sellbot HQ. The only evidence they were ever there is the completed photo of Bossbot HQ and a scrap piece of paper with log-in information for Mingler.Org. (Team LHAAFBBHQ) April 26th-May 3rd: Details about the Bossbot CEO's upcoming banquet at Bossbot HQ, the transportation of the captured Team LHAAFBBHQ, a duck who refuses to give information on Toon operations and eventually the location of Bossbot HQ are leaked through the Cogs' Minglermail service. (Minglermail) May 3rd: Lord Lowden Clear officially announces that the whereabouts of Bossbot HQ have been discovered on the Toontown Rewritten blog. July 24th: Lord Lowden Clear announces the upcoming Operation: Storm Sellbot HQ. (Operation: Storm Sellbot HQ) July 31st-August 30th: Operation: Storm Sellbot HQ commences. 2005 Real life year: 2016March 26th: After many months without so much as a peep from him, the Fissiontons (name/s still unknown to the public) returns once more to the Toontown Rewritten blog with another encrypted post. Deep in the depths of encryption is a link to LoonyLabs.Net, used by the scientoons of Loony Labs to access their personal terminals away from their facility. (We'll Be In Touch) |
Live Release |
2006 Real life year: 2017September 1st: Toontown Rewritten enters its Live release, bringing along with it two new Toon species - Deer and Crocodiles. December: Doctor Surlee writes a private report recounts the event that led him to realise the origins of the 26th's time anomalies. He laments that he doesn't know what flaw in his pocket watch caused the anomalies and the fact that he can't observe the fabric of time like the Fissiontons can. He comes up with a plan to trigger another anomaly to lure them out so he can reach out to them - an announcement about LoonyLabs.Net the following month. 2007 Real life year: 2018January 25th: Doctor Surlee posts an announcement on the Toontown Rewritten blog seemingly directed only towards Loony Labs scientoons and their Assillyates that LoonyLabs.Net is back online after a period of maintenance. He notes his posting the day before the 26th. January 26th-February 1st: The next day, a transmission from Loony Labs terminal 26 is posted to the Toontown Rewritten blog, with a message written by the Fissiontons (name reveal coming soon) and a list of seemingly random words. This was the start of a period of sleuthing and puzzle-solving that revealed the truth behind the 26th and the Fissiontons. (Incoming Transmission from LL_TERMINAL26) February 26th: The Fissiontons makes their named debut on the Toontown Rewritten blog. They tell Toons of the Final Plan they've been working on to bring Toontown's silliness to new heights - but in order to make it happen, they'll need Doctor Surlee's help. Their first step to try luring him out of hiding is to squash some bugs within the game. March 26th: A fire hydrant on Silly Street makes attempts to spring to life, an occurance that was reported by multiple Toons around this time. Professor Prepostera says on the Toontown Rewritten blog that he'd made multiple attempts to Doctor Surlee out of his lab to no avail, but knows it's only a matter of time until he's out there to study it. (The Great Silly Particle Search) March 29th: Silly Particles begin scattering all over Toontown, being found in Playgrounds, Streets and Buildings. The Fissiontons create a formula to temporarily make Silly Particle clusters visible to the naked eye. The Fissiontons instruct Toons through the Toontown Rewritten blog to collect Silly Particles and deliver them to Doctor Surlee on Silly Street for reasons unrevealed at the time. It's also revealed that the Final Plan is one to also end the anomalies of the 26th. April 3rd: At around 5:30 PM Toontown Time, the 2.6 million Silly Particles Doctor Surlee needed for his initial research were gathered. April 4th: The next day, Doctor Surlee leaves Silly Street to meet up with the Fissiontons to start work on redesigning the Silly Meter. Professor Prepostera takes his place on Silly Street and offers a ToonTask to obtain his key card, which would lead to Surlee and Fissionton's location. On the Toontown Rewritten blog, Surlee also leaves a small encrypted message with bolded letters, leading to small puzzle on LoonyLabs.Net. Unknown date: Around this time, while working on the Silly Meter with the Fissiontons, Doctor Surlee briefly sees the Silly Meter completed while his pocket watch's hands spin on their own. It's not entirely clear what he experienced - Surlee himself theorizes a vision of either the past or the future. (03 - Silly Meter Mirage) A bit later, Surlee notices that whenever the hands of his pocket watch spin, the Fissiontons flicker. Without bringing up the pocket watch, he asks them what happens to them when they flicker. Fissionton doesn't give an answer. (04 - Fissionton's Flickering) August 26th: A Cog memo is intercepted with a level of encryption too tough for Toons to crack at the time. (The Cogbuck Conundrum) 2008 Real life year: 2019February 26th: February's anomaly gives control of all Toontown Rewritten social media accounts and blog posting duties to Loony Labs' S.I.L.L.I Team. Doctor Fissionton takes the opportunity to post a video of the first Silly Meter test, which ends in comedic failure. Said video also includes a puzzle hidden plain sight. (The Silly Meter) Also on this day, Doctor Surlee talks with the Fissiontons about his worries regarding the Silly Meter and the Final Plan. Fissionton reassures him that the plan will work and begins to tell him that there's something about the plan he's yet to understand when they flicker once again. Surlee laments that it's been getting more common. The three of them then get back to work testing the Silly Meter. (Gone Fission: Part 1) February 27th: A second Silly Meter test video, this time of the 18th test, is uploaded to the Toontown Rewritten YouTube account. Much like the first, this video also has another puzzle and ends in comedic failure. February 28th: Two days later, the Fissiontons post share another Silly Meter test video, this time of the successful 26th test. March 6th: The Silly Meter is finally unveiled and released to the public. March 9th: The heightened silliness generated by the Toons' fun causes Toontown's fire hydrants, trash cans and mailboxes to come to life. March 12th: The Silly Meter is close to hitting its peak. March 13th: Before the Silly Meter reaches the top, the Fissiontons make one last appearance on the Toontown Rewritten blog to impart their wisdom to players. They head off to the Sellbot Factory's center silo. Doctor Surlee enters Toon Hall looking for them sometime later, and asks Professor Prepostera if he's seen them. He did see them leave, and speculates they went somewhere to watch what happens when the Silly Meter maxes. At that moment, Doctor Surlee's pocketwatch begins to glow again, and he hurries to Sellbot HQ to find Fissionton. Surlee finds Fissionton and tries to convince them to come back to Loony Labs so he can stablize their flickering. However, the Fissiontons tell him that in order to save Toontown, a new timeline needs to be written instead of continuing to rewrite the old one - however, Fissionton cannot exist in a timeline where his story was never retold. He tells Surlee that the key to the Final Plan and saving Toontown and thanks him for the opportunity to work with him on such his most important experiment. As the Silly Meter maxes, they disappear in a bright purple light. (Gone Fission: Part 2) The Silly Meter maxes that evening, and the absolute abundance of silliness causes gravity to weaken and all non-boss Cogs to explode. The light from the Fissionton's disappearance is mistaken as atmospheric interferance by Professor Prepostera. Doctor Surlee is nowhere to be found in Toon Hall, and doesn't reappear for a few days. April 6th: Doctor Surlee returns to work at Toon Hall after taking some time to think and process the events of the Silly Meter maxing. April 29th: The Cog memo from August of 2018 is brought back into light by Lord Lowden Clear, this time with some clues to help decipher it. (Operation: Crash Cashbot HQ) April 30th: The decrypted version of the Cog memo is revealed to be about a C.F.O Project that needs to be delivered ahead of schedule. It's assumed that the project has something to do with the Cashbot Chief Financial Officer. May 2nd-31st: Operation: Crash Cashbot HQ commences. Near the end of the operation, Lord Lowden Clear notes that not a single Cashbot had any insight into the C.F.O Project. 2010 Real life year: 2021November 20th: A breaking news report from Toon News for the Amused! announces that the Cogs have come to the Toon Council with a proposal to make a truce between them and Toons. However, the truce contract was encrypted. It had additionally been intercepted by someone with the initials A.S (later revealed to be Ai Spai). Continuous Version 2.0 Sellbot Mega-Invasions begin that evening and last through to the 22nd. (Sellbot Field Offices) November 21st: Lord Lowden Clear confirms that the Cogs' truce contract was a trap, and puts out a recruitment call for more Toon Resistance members. November 24th: Resistance Ranger Ripley posts on the Toontown Rewritten blog to announce more waves of Version 2.0 Sellbot Mega-Invasions. These waves lasted for another two days. In an effort to combat the Mega-Invasions, the Silly Meter is kicked into overdrive, bypassing the cooldown phase. Meanwhile, the Toon Resistance interupt a Sellbot meeting with the Sellbot Vice President and begin a fight against him and the Cogs he summons. They emerge victorious, but Ripley finds a memo about the C.F.O Project that flew out of the VP's pocket when he fell off Sellbot Towers. Ripley tells her fellow Resistance Rangers with her to send a whisper to Lord Lowden Clear about it. (Joining Forces: Part 1) November 26th: After using a radio to pick up the frequencies of a Cog conversation inside a factory, Samantha Spade takes to the Toontown Rewritten blog to find someone who can decipher what the Cogs are saying. Completing the in-game portion of this part of the ARG had Samantha Spade whisper to the player that the Toon Council's leads have run dry and that she'll be taking the player's work to them. A few hours later, a Toon Council meeting was held. At the Toon Council meeting, the Toon Council tries to figure out what the Cogs are up to. Ripley reads out the memo she found to the council, and it becomes clear that the C.F.O Project has had its roots in the Sellbot department all along. Flippy asks Doctor Surlee if the C.F.O Project lines up with anything from the original timeline, and just as Surlee answers, Samantha Spade dramatically enters the meeting room with her findings. She just as dramatically reveals that the "C.F.O" in C.F.O Project stands for Cog Field Office. (Joining Forces: Part 2) November 29th: The Sellbot Task Force is established, and Ripley is chosen to lead. However, she's apprehensive about leading such a large Resistance Operation. Flippy, who had come over to Oak Street to see how preparations for the Sellbot Task Force were getting along, offers to go on a walk with her to help ease her nerves. They end up talking about the upcoming threat and Flippy's own leadership role in the face of unknown dangers during the Toon Council Presidential Election. By the time they reach the Sellbot Task Force's new hideout, Ripley is feeling much more confident in herself. (Joining Forces: Part 3) Doctor Surlee comes to the Toontown Rewritten blog with a call for help of his own. He's been tasked with deciphering Cog blueprints for the upcoming Sellbot Field Offices intercepted by the Toon Resistance that he couldn't decrypt on his own. November 30th: Ai Spai makes her debut on the Toontown Rewritten blog by revealing she's A.S and summarising the discoveries made over the course of the ARG. December 1st: A normal Toon News for the Amused news broadcast takes a dark turn when a Sellbot Field Office takes over a Toon HQ on Elm Street, solidifying the fact that their full launch is imminent. December 3rd: Sellbot Field Offices officially launch. The Chairman of Cogs, Inc. makes his debut on the Toontown Rewritten blog. 2011 Real life year: 2022May 30th: The Sellbot Task Force introduces the new Smasher Badge and the G.I.M.M.I.C.K machine invented in collaboration with Loony Labs and Doctor Googlymoogly. (Sellbot Task Force: The Last Laff) 2012 Real life year: 2023May 15th: The G.I.M.M.I.C.K device in the Sellbot Task Force hideout intercepts a company-wide Cogs Inc. memo revealing that groundwork for corporate restructuring in each department is being set, with more details to follow on May 26th of that year. (Important G.I.M.M.I.C.K. Interception!) May 26th: New Cog Facility supervisors are revealed to be arriving some time in the future through a surprise COG-TV broadcast that took over every Toon TV network. (COG-TV: Cogs, Incorporated is Under New Management, Executive Shake-Up Due at Cogs, Inc.!) 2013 Real life year: 2024February 2nd: Lord Lowden Clear reveals classified footage from an Executive Factory in Cog Nation indicating that the new Cog Facility Supervisors are being put into full production. It is also revealed that the Toon Resistance has been attempting to prevent the corporate restructure from going through. (Under New Management: Approved for Testing) March 26th: Groovy Garland goes on a mission into Lawbot HQ, and barely makes it out alive. He writes up a report in which he fears for Toontown's safety and suggests new ToonTasks for those high on laff as well as upgrades to Cog disguises. (The Grifters' Groove/Samantha Spade and the Maddening Melody) May 16th: Samantha Spade comes to the Toontown Rewritten blog seeking help for a case she's investigating, giving Toons a small collection of sheet music belonging to the Toon Resistance. (Samantha Spade and the Maddening Melody) May 24th: The Chairman returns to the Toontown Rewritten blog to announce the new Cog facility supervisors have been signed off by the Board of Directors and are fully instated in all Cog facilities. (Cogs, Inc. is Under New Management) |